tisdag 3 maj 2011

Cargo bikes in public work no.1

Here is the kindergarten Fågel Blå on a road trip. This Kindergarten is using two Christiania bikes to take the kids on excursions around town. Each cargo bike can take up to 6 little ones which is actually a lot more than a normal car. The Christiania bikes are so far only used by Fågel Blå in Lund but in Malmö several kindergartens use the bikes on a daily basis. The bikes give the kindergarten much needed freedom to go outside the restricted and crowded preschool environment and instead the kids get to excperience the citys parks, close nature and cultural sites.


You can read more about Fågel Blå and their cargo bikes in this Sydsvenskan article. In the article you can also see a picture of the potable toilet they allwys bring on their trips.


Stay put for the "Cargobikes in public work no.2" update tomorrow.

1 kommentar:

  1. Sweet! I love those. The day care where our dauther is do have some of those and they love 'em. Nice to see them on pics!
