tisdag 29 januari 2013

Suprise Post at MLCC Flickr Group

I found this photo in the MLCC Flickr group. It was posted some time ago by Flickr signature joda317. I must say IT IS GREAT! Enjoy!

Cycle chic - Malmö - July 2010

fredag 17 augusti 2012

Tandem Bicycle

A tandem bicycle is something you do not se everyday. Here is Jenny and Ronja riding their Cresent tandem in Lund.


A bike for two is a bike for friends!


onsdag 1 augusti 2012

måndag 23 juli 2012

In memorial

Foto; Petter Wingren

måndag 11 juni 2012

tisdag 29 maj 2012

onsdag 23 maj 2012

Excelent article on cycling, bicycle helmets and traffic safety

Erik Sandblom writes a lot of god articles on biking but this one I find especially interesting. Statistics clearly show a very strong correlation between city's were people bike a lot and citys were people do not use bicycle helmets:

The conclusion is simple and you might have heard it before; biking should be kept simple! No helmet, More simple!

In addition the article also shows this interesting diagram (from Trafikanalys):

It is very clear that the risk of getting killed per kilometer traveled is much higher when biking than when driving a car (4 times higher). However the risk of dying when walking is actually much higher,  times higher (almost double compared to biking). Yet, no one would argue that you should wear a helmet walking. The contrast to the travel modes where helmets are currently requested by law in Sweden is stunning. It is so much more dangerous to drive a moped or motorcycle than even to walk...

However, if we look not at risk of dying by traveled kilometer but by time spent driving a car, biking or walking that kilometer we see that each of these transport modes is about equally safe while driving a motorcycle or moped is much more dangerous.

torsdag 10 maj 2012